No, the organizers have no liability what so ever. As we have always guaranteed a high quality organisation, we will ensure leaving nothing to chance.

We have a very professional set-up with doctors and physios at the venue. Minor injuries, cuts and bruises can be treated immediately on site. In case of a serious injury that requires hospital treatment, you need to be insured. This is your own responsibility. You might be insured via your club or union. Any insured person in an EU, EES country or Switzerland has the right to receive medically required health care from a public health care provider within the EU.

To prove that you are insured in your country you must have a “European Health Insurance Card”. The cardholder will be treated in the same way and charged with the same patient fees as an insured person in the country he or she is visiting. You must apply for this card from your local health insurance agency well in advance.

A copy of your identity card will do as well. You will receive the invoice of the hospital at your home address and you can present it to your insurance company after having paid the invoice.

The easiest thing to do is that you ask all the players to take a copy of their identity card, and to put them in a folder. In case of a serious injury that requires hospital treatment, you can easily give the copy of the passport of the concerned player to the ambulance if a transport to the hospital is required.